Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Direktori Hotel

TiaSinca-Buat news yang satu ini TiaSinca mau kasih info buat reader seputar direktori hotel se-Indonesia. Situs ini khusus mengupas seputar hotel, tour and travel se-Indonesia dari mulai Hotel Profil, Cullinary, Culture, Dinning, Fullboard, dan Facilities. ini bekerjasama dengan Putri Pariwisata Jawa Barat dan Putri Jawa Barat.

UncleBob Design Production

Tiasinca-Unclebob Design Production merupakan usaha dalam bidang kreatif yang memproduksi berbagai merchandise atau souvenir dengan teknik sablon digital. Produk-produk UBob antara lain mug, sweater, kaos, polo-shirt, cutting sticker, pin, gantungan kunci, gantungan handphone dan masih banyak lagi. Design sablonan bisa disesuaikan dengan keinginan kita. Kelebihannya full colour, kualitas standard china sampai amerika dengan harga yang fleksibel. Produk UBob juga sangat cocok untuk dijadikan hadiah untuk yang tersayang. Buat temen-temen yang mau liat-liat produk UBob yang lain bisa klik disini. Untuk lapak kaskus

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Shoepower-Gen (Sepatu Penghasil Listrik)

TiaSinca - Shoepower-gen menghasilkan energi listrik kemudian dapat digunakan untuk men-charge handphone, GPS dan MP3 player atau disimpan ketika berjalan. Komponen berbentuk insole seperti alas sepatu sehingga lebih praktis untuk digunakan pada berbagai sepatu.
Price per Unit (pairs): Rp 532.000,00
Rp 432.000,00
You Save: Rp 100.000,00
Number pairss in packaging:1
Number pairss in box:10

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Tiasinca - Henko Band itu terdiri dari Gema, Angga, Latif, Oky dan Reza. tadinya cuma temen-temen satu sekolah aja yang suka ngumpul bareng dan akhirnya bikin Band Henko. Kata Gema sih nama Henko itu diambil dari bahasa Jepang yang artinya perubahan. Suggest nya sih supaya ada perubahan yang lebih baik setelah mereka berganti nama (karna sebelumnya nama band mereka itu Ogara). Coba dengerin lagunya ya yang judulnya '' Berharap Kau Datang '' klik disini yaa :)
Yang mau tahu selengkapnya tentang profil masing-masing personil klik aja di nama mereka masing-masing. Except Latief yaa, kita belum tahu profil dia, orang nya agak misterius :D hehehehe

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wew! Turis Temukan Kamera Tersembunyi di Toilet Kedai Kopi Starbucks

WASHINGTON-- Kedai kopi Starbucks dituntut sebesar tiga juga dolar AS oleh seorang turis dari Virginia. Si turis mengatakan bahwa anak perempuannya yang berusia lima tahun menemukan satu kamera video yang tersembunyi di kamar kecil di salah satu toko di Washington.
William Yockey (28) menuduh kedai kopi global yang berbasis di Seattle itu melakukan pelanggaran privasi, kelalaian, "penderitaan emosional yang disengaja" serta lalai dalam perekrutan, pelatihan dan pengawasan karyawan.
Yockey, yang membawa keluarganya ke ibu kota Amerika Serikat itu pada April, "segera melaporkan hal yang memalukan dan menjijikkan tersebut" kepada manajer toko itu, yang berada hanya beberapa blok dari Gedung Putih, demikian tertulis dalam salinan gugatannya yang diperlihatkan pada Selasa.
Polisi menggeledah kamar mandi dan menyelidiki kamera itu --yang terselip di dalam pipa berbentuk U di bawah wastafel, menurut penggugat-- untuk menemukan sidik jari sebelum menyita kamera tersebut sebagai barang bukti, demikian tertulis dalam gugatan.
"Sungguh memalukan, bahkan hingga hari ini," kata Yockey kepada stasiun televisi ABC News. Ia menambahkan bahwa bila ada rekaman putrinya saat berada di kamar mandi "tersebar di internet, artinya ia telah dilanggar haknya".
Pengacara Yockey, Hank Schlosberg, melayangkan tuntutan lewat pengadilan Distrik Kolumbia sebesar satu juta dolar AS sebagai kompensasi dan dua juta dolar AS sebagai ganti rugi karena pelanggaran privasi.
Juru bicara Starbucks belum dapat dimintai keterangan namun mingguan lokal "City Paper" menyatakan bahwa perusahaan itu telah berupaya namun gagal untuk membatalkan gugatan karena Yockey belum membuktikan kesalahan apa pun yang dilakukan karyawan Starbucks.
Mei lalu, polisi menangkap seorang pria mencurigakan yang merekam setidaknya 40 perempuan dengan kamera tersembunyi di Starbucks di California sedangkan pria lain ditangkap pada Juni karena menaruh kamera di dalam kedai lain Starbucks di Florida.

iPhone5 Dirilis 4 Oktober

Apple Inc berencana meluncurkan ponsel pintar populer iPhone 5 pekan depan, para analis melihat iPhone terbaru itu memiliki layar yang lebih besar dan bekerja lebih baik dengan layanan komputer.
Apple mengundang media menghadiri "Let's talk iPhone" pada 4 Oktober di kantor pusat Apple, Cupertino, California. Pemilihan tempat itu tidak seperti biasanya, dimana Apple sebagian besar meluncurkan produk di San Fransisco.
Dalam undangan itu tidak ada informasi detil dan juru bicara Apple tidak berkenan memberikan informasi lebih. "Ini iPhone 5," kata analis ThinkEquity Mark McKechnie mengomentari acara spesial tersebut.
Peluncuran iPhone terbaru itu adalah produk besar pertama di bawah kepemimpinan Tim Cook, yang mengambil alih kepala eksekutif dari Steve Jobs yang mengundurkan diri pada bulan lalu.
Namun belum jelas, apakah Jobs yang saat ini menjabat chairman yang akan memimpin acara.
McKechnie mengatakan meskipun iPhone 4 produk bagus, tapi ponsel pintar itu harus dilakukan beberapa perubahan.  "Kami harap iPhone terbaru nanti memiliki layar yang besar, prosesor dual core dan terintegrasi dengan layanan Internet iCloud."
Pertama kali iPhone diperkenalkan pada 2007 dengan layar sentuh yang sekarang ditiru hampir semua kompetitor ponsel, penggunaan layar sentuh itu merupakan standar dan awal permulaan maraknya pasar ponsel pintar.
Model iPhone terbaru nanti, yang sebagian besar orang menyebutnya iPhone 5 akan memiliki layar lebih besar, kualitas antena lebih baik dan kamera dengan delapan megapiksel.
Perusahaan Hon Hail Precision Industries Co Ltd dan Pegatron Corp Taiwan membuat iPhone baru itu hingga 45 juta unit, kata sumber.
Apple meluncurkan iPhone 4 berwarna hitam pada Juni 2010 dengan versi 16 gigabyte dan 32 gigabyte serta menambahkan iPhone berwarna putih pada April. Apple biasanya melakukan peremajaan ponsel pintarnya pada Juni sebelum acara pengembang.
Apple menjual 20.34 juta iPhone pada kuartal ketiga yang berakhir pada 25 Juni. Analis mengatakan pencapaian itu melompati Nokia dan Samsung Electronics sebagai pembuat ponsel pintar terbesar di dunia.
Beberapa analis mengharapkan iPhone 4 dengan versi terbaru diluncurkan bersamaan dengan iPhone 5.
"iPhone 4 versi baru nanti akan menghadapi pasar pra-bayar dan iPhone 5 akan memiliki chip A5 yang saat ini dimiliki iPad dan membuat tablet itu lebih cepat, tipis dan mungkin layar lebih besar," kata analis BGC Partners Colin Gillis. Dia menambahkan kemungkinan adanya fitur pengenalan suara.
Saham Apple naik 0.6 persen atau $405.66 pada Nasdaq Selasa sore.

Google Ingin Investasi di Indonesia

Perusahaan blue chip dan mesin pencari di internet, Google menyatakan ingin berinvestasi di Indonesia. Google mengajukan beberapa syarat berinvestasi.
Kepala Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Gita Wirjawan mengatakan, pimpinan Google telah melakukan komunikasi intensif dengan BKPM.
"Google mempertimbangkan untuk berinvestasi di Indonesia dengan mendirikan PT Google Indonesia," kata Gita di Jakarta, Rabu (21/9/2011).
Disebutkannya, Google mengajukan dua syarat untuk berinvestasi. Pertama, data center tidak harus di Indonesia. Kedua, diperbolehkannya Google Indonesia mencari pendapatan dari iklan online.
Dua syara tersebut, jelasnya, telah dikoordinasikan dengan kemenkominfo, hal ini penting mengingat Google merupakan perusahaan blue chip global.
Ditegaskannya, pemerintah memiliki kepentingan agar setiap produk yang merupakan kebutuhan atau biasa digunakan secara umum oleh masyarakat mendirikan basis produksinya di Indonesia. Untuk menarik investasi asing telah diberikan Tax Holiday dan revisi beberapa aturan terkait penanaman modal asing.
“Jika tidak ada keinginan untuk berinvestasi, kami pun siap bereaksi menyiapkan hambatan fiskal dan non fiskal yang tidak bergesekan dengan aturan internasional,” tegasnya.

Amazon keluarkan Kindle Fire

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Amazon's unveiling of the Kindle Fire tablet computer sends a bright-hot message: The online retailer is ready to rival iPad maker Apple in an effort to be the world's top digital content provider.
It may sound odd coming from a company that pioneered online sales of physical products, selling its first book, Douglas Hofstadter's "Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought," in 1995. But since it first entered the digital market in 2006 with its video download store, Amazon has bet consumers will pay for high-quality digital content.
In addition to the millions of actual items it sells, which range from toys to toothbrushes, Amazon's trove of digital content now includes more than 1 million e-books, 100,000 movies and TV shows and 17 million songs. This is about 1 million fewer songs than iPad maker Apple Inc. sells, but more than twice as many e-books and many thousands more TV shows and movies. Inc. CEO Jeff Bezos is confident that its content is what will help the Kindle Fire do better than others who have trotted out tablets.
"The reason they haven't been successful is because they made tablets. They didn't make services," Bezos said in an interview after his company unveiled the tablet at a New York media event Wednesday.
Bezos, a 47-year-old former Wall Street money manager, built Amazon on exactly this sort of confidence. He started the company on the theory that a Web-based book store would resonate with consumers, since it seemed like the easiest way to browse millions of titles at once.
He was right. The company grew rapidly and Amazon began trading publicly in May 1997, despite never having turned a profit. It took five more years — and the addition of product categories like CDs, DVDs and consumer electronics — before the online retailer reported any net income. These days, Amazon consistently reports strong growth: In the most recent quarter, it earned $191 million on $9.91 billion in revenue.
It was Apple that moved into digital content first, however. With the arrival of Apple's iPod digital music player, which first came out in 2001, Apple figured consumers would be willing to pay for legal, high-quality digital music they could download to the devices. Apple became a major player early on, making deals with major record labels to sell digital tunes through its iTunes Store in 2003. Soon the iPod became more multimedia-savvy: Apple added TV shows in 2005 and movie downloads a year later.
Amazon soon entered the market itself, rolling out its own digital video downloading service in 2006 and music downloading service a year later.
It was in 2007, though, that things really heated up. That's when Amazon rolled out its first Kindle e-reader, upending the book market once again by turning the focus from costly paper books to electronic ones that could be delivered quickly and cheaply to customers on a reading device.
The Kindle rapidly grew the company's e-book business, and Amazon said in May that it was selling more e-books than physical copies of books. But the Kindle Fire's ability to show e-books, surf the Web, stream movies and TV shows and support apps positions it as an even better catalyst for Amazon's digital goods sales.
The price will probably help, too: When it goes on sale Nov. 15, it will cost $199, which is less than half of the $499 you'll pay for Apple Inc.'s cheapest iPad and $50 less than book seller Barnes & Noble Inc.'s Nook Color e-reader. This leaves buyers with plenty of money left over to spend on content.
"It's important to remember at the end of the day that Amazon's core business is retailing and this is a way to sell more digital media on a sort of 7-inch vending machine," NPD Group analyst Ross Rubin said.
The Kindle Fire, which runs Google Inc.'s Android software, is clearly meant for gobbling up Amazon's digital media in particular. While most Android tablets include access to Google's Android Market for downloading games and apps, the Fire will eschew that in favor of Amazon's own app store. And while the tablet doesn't have much storage space — 8 gigabytes, compared with 16 GB on the cheapest iPad — Amazon is offering users free Web-based storage for any digital content they buy from Amazon.
Another weapon in Amazon's arsenal: In hopes of keeping Kindle Fire users purchasing both digital and actual items, the tablet includes a free month of Amazon's premium shipping service, Amazon Prime. Prime, which costs $79 per year, gives users unlimited two-day shipping on any items they buy from Amazon, as well as free access to a library of 11,000 streaming movies and TV shows. This is about half of what Netflix Inc.'s streaming library has.
Amazon has never said precisely how many Kindle e-readers it has sold, but its higher sales of e-books than print books indicates it's a strong performer. Given this, and the general popularity of tablets, expectations are high for the Fire.
Rubin thinks consumers will become fans of the tablet, saying it offers a more complete media consumption experience than what Barnes & Noble has provided with the Nook Color, which came out last year.
Forrester Research analyst Sarah Rotman Epps thinks Amazon could sell as many as 5 million Fires by the end of the year, but thinks it will probably be closer to 3 million since it's coming out so late. Apple, by comparison, has sold nearly 29 million iPads since it released the first one in April 2010, and over 9 million in the June quarter alone.
Of course, in addition to being the new tablet on the block, the Kindle Fire faces other challenges. On the content side, the Amazon Appstore currently includes more than 16,000 apps, but this is just a small fraction of the 425,000 apps in Apple's App Store, over 100,000 of which are tailored specifically for the iPad. On the tablet side, the device's screen is on the small side, which means less space for watching movies and more panning around when surfing the Web. And it will only be able to access the Internet over Wi-Fi, not over wireless carriers' high-speed data networks.
Still, Epps believes Amazon's decision to lead with content and services, rather than hardware, will help it prosper with the Kindle Fire.
"Apple will still be the clear market leader, but Amazon will still be a clear number two because of that strategy," she said.

The Pinewood Hotel

You are about to retire. You would love to have yourself positioned in a beautiful place. Where the weather is nice, the view is totally breath-taking, and nature is close enough for you to appreciate it. The air is so clean, fresh and pure. Nothing like the big city we live in for years. Far away from those endless noise and air pollution.

You are so tired of the city being hectic all the time. You wish you could get away from all the routine activities that hooked you up every single day. You would love to have a quality time with your family. Somewhere nice and peaceful, where you can enjoy your meals in between lovely weather, fantastic view, with your kids running around and having fun with their friends.. A total heart warming experience. A perfect holiday or even a weekend getaway.

Based on these similar concepts, The Pinewood Lodge and Organic Farm were established. Located at the heart of Cisarua - Puncak, it was a dreamy place with European style. With its natural concept, lots of trees, plus a treehouse, an exciting holiday will be at warranty.

Wondering why we're different with other accommodations all over Puncak area?
Our rooms are themed and designed to suits your taste. No longer same boring rooms with white walls, standard hotel decorations. We all really had enough of it. In the Pinewood, You are more than welcome to choose whichever theme you want for you holiday. Isn't it fun ?
All rooms are equipped with full amenities, TV 32" ,Bathroom (tub/shower, hot/cold).
By any chance if you wished to have a sudden celebration that requires flower, fruits, chocolate, or even cake, it's only a phone call away and we will organize it for you. Really is a LODGE with a PERSONAL TOUCH!

  • Outbound Facilities, such as treehouses with ropes and bridges from one tree to another, and mini climbing walls ( children would be supervised by our staff ).
  • Rabbit farm ( coming soon )
  • Fishing
  • Horse Riding ( on request )
  • Billiard
  • Karaoke
  • Extravagant dinning experience
  • Pool 
  • Telephone
  • TV Satellite
  • Wi-Fi (free)

There are 2 meeting rooms each with a capacity of, i.e  :

•  CLEOME  : Round table max  50  pax
  U shape max  40  pax
  Class room max  70  pax
•  D'LILY     : Round table max  50  pax
  U shape max  45  pax
  Class room max  70  pax

Both meeting rooms are fully equipped with sound system, wireless mic and headseat mic,paper,map,pen,screen,flipchart, and LCD Proyektor is on request only. Whatever you need or is still missing, we at the pinewood are at your service.

Jl. Gandamanah, Desa Tugu Selatan, Cisarua | Phone : (+62251) 8256 432/8256 776 . Fax : (+62251)8256 433